Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Interview with a 4 year old (and also a 5 year old).

Or should that be Interview with a number 4 because Mr I4 insists that he is a number 4 not a 4 year old (yep, my boy is a little odd - who woulda guessed?).
He's not the talkative one (Y5 can talk underwater. I once saw a stream of bubbles as he was chatting to his swim teacher and she asked him to put his head under the water) so it would have probably been easier to interview his brother.

What is Australia?
I dunno.

Do you know where Australia is?
In the sea.
In the South East.

What do you like about Australia?
It has all of my toys. We have a red car and a black car and because my school is there (CC).

Are you looking forward to going back to Australia?
Yes, because my bike is there. Are you riding bicycles Mum?

What's a bicycle?
It's something with pedals

What do you do with pedals?
You bicycle with them.
There's a funny road there with 8 lanes on the way to Parramatta.
I miss Australia.

Why do you miss Australia?
Because we went to France.

What do you miss about Australia?
Because I never see it, because my friends are there.

So, are you looking forward to going back to Australia?

What are you looking forward to?
I want to drive and bicycle.

Do you drive in France?

Tell me about driving.
I drive to all of the places. I drive fast and slow.

How do you drive safely?
I turn at the corners, I turn the steering wheel, I go over the bridges, I go around round-a-bouts. Sometimes BJ spins the back wheels!!

Do you have any specials words for your fans?

And now for an interview with Y5 because he felt left out.
Most of the clothes in Yasin and Imran's cupboard mysteriously fell on the floor last night. Yasin is the primary suspect.

Can you tell me how the clothes got on the floor of your room?
Because they were all in the cupboard and it was too heavy on the top and they avalanched to the floor.

Did you trigger the avalanche?
What's triggered?

Did you start it?
No but it happened and now I'm going round in circles *turns in circles and flaps his arms*.

Where were you when it happened?
It happened a long time ago at night time.

How did the clothes get so far from the cupboard in the avalanche?
I don't know. They were all heavy at the top and then they all fell down.

Could you have stopped the avalanche?
No. I could have got stuck in the clothes and agghhh, agggh, *waves his arms about* help Mummy. I'm stuck!!

Moving on.. Do you know what Australia is?

No. Mummy what is the blue button for?
I want to talk about bicycles

O.K. Tell me about bicycles.
Your feet bes the engine, and they go along, and you get run over if you're not careful, and there is a line of bicycles aaand tookus.
Did you type tookus?
Well type tookus for them.
Make it with a triple O

Where do you ride bicycles?
In Australia. Are you saying it to somebody else or us? Is it for our friends and cousins?
(clearly I'm no longer in charge of this interview)
Write waagh!! Give me a boos (kiss)

Do you have training wheels?
I use 2 training wheels. Are we sending it to everyone in the world?

The interview was terminated at this point.

Thanks for tagging me Sarah. It was fun interviewing my little monkeys. And now Ima gonna tag
MrsB and lulu.


Diminishing Lucy said...

LOVELY! Adorable. I want a blog FULL of these interviews. xx

Sarah said...

Oh that was awesome :) I knew your two little guys would give great interviews :D I loved the random "give me a boos" in the middle hehe.

I totally agree with Lucy, a blog full of interviews with them would be great!