Friday, April 23, 2010


They love tying bells on animals around these parts. If they can catch it they tie a bell on it. Horses, goats, cows, sheep, llamas......
I get the thing with finding your animals in the mountains but why does a cow in a tiny paddock need a bell?
Maye they just like the sound?
I'm buying one for my cat because I don't own a goat or a cow. I might get one for the dog too.


The Aldo's. said...

Maybe the cows attack native birds over there?!

Grace Brazier said...

mayb u need 1 bella has learnt bad habbits off sol

dachlostar said...

hmmm, what does a bad habit entail? If it's getting out of the yard and going for a tour of the neighbourhood she's been doing it for a while now.
If it's chewing her toenails or binge drinking that's probably Sol's fault.