Thursday, February 18, 2010


We went to Spain for a while.

In Barcelona I3 wanted to ride the bus. So we did.

It didn't take long for the novelty to wear off.

We looked at lots of Gaudi's work and took some photos....

but not as many as 'photoman'. This guy was the master of indiscriminate photography, nothing was too boring for his lens, not even 1980's red-box architecture. I was worried that we would end up with his brains splatted all over us but luckily his trusty assistant kept him appraised of upcoming obstacles and held him by the belt to keep him safe from unexpected bumping and braking.

Whilst obviously I could never hope to emulate him I was inspired to take a photo of a starbucks! I have no idea why there are so many Starbucks in Spain when their coffee is so good.

I'm not sure why the council chose to decorate with cabbages either but it looked good and edible streetscapes seem like a good idea to me.

1 comment:

Nelle said...

Who would have thought cabbage could look so good! At least it's good for something...
Great to see some more photos from you! xo