You might know the ad, the one where a mother has all her friends over to coo over the newborn (it looks about 3 months old but that's how babies are born in Advertistan) and one of her friends asks where the loo is. Mother looks freaked out but then remembers that she's got some kind of chemical loo blue in there which will save her from the humiliation of a dirty loo. Even if I could remember which brand it was I wouldn't tell you.
Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. So wrong!! On so many levels!!
She's just pushed out a 3 month old baby and she's worried that people will judge her about her loo?
Where is her husband in all of this? Obviously she has a husband because the only single mum in Adverdistan is the one in the Salvos ad (I'm going to take a leap and say that blue loo Mum and Salvos Mum aren't in the same mother's group). Why is no-one staring at her husband in horror because her loo isn't clean enough to operate in?
Why on earth do our loos need to be clean enough for us to perform surgery in them? My uncle once spayed my cat in our laundry (he is vet not just an enthusiastic amateur) but generally operations are performed in rooms specially designed for them. Loos are specially designed for performing our natural functions. So why, oh why, do they need to be polished till they sparkle with antiseptic this, that and the other? There is no need for something to be antiseptically clean in order to receive our waste.
In most homes the bathroom has less germs than the kitchen!! This says to me that maybe we can relax a bit about our loos. Just so long as the smell is kept to a minimum (a window can help with this - the best air freshener is fresh air) and skid marks are removed by the offender I think we can all survive without loos that smell of lavender in spring or green tea and cucumber.
So anyway....... before I got all ranty what was the question?
What does my loo say about me? Nothing!! It can't talk! If it could talk it would probably say that I have more important things to worry about* than keeping my loo pristine in case a visiting medical team need it for surgery.

I can't write for so long about loos without including this one from Japan.
*Important stuff such as ranting on the interwebz, visiting People of Walmart, checking with the BOM before doing a load of washing, reading novels and other riveting and important matters.
Very true!
This NEEDS to be your loo.
and hell yeah on the other stuff...
I hate that ad so much as well... And that toilet OMG, weird!
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