Have you ever been arrested or convicted for an offense or crime involving moral turpitude*.... or are you seeking entry to engage in criminal or immoral activities?
Crimes involving moral turpitude - Such offenses generally involve conduct which is inherently base, vile, or depraved and contrary to the accepted rules of morality and the duties owed to persons or society in general. There are factors, such as the age of the offender or the date of the offense, that may affect whether an offense will be considered a crime involving moral turpitude for purposes of the Immigration and Nationality Act.
What the? I once owned a pair of denim cowgirl boots with rhinestones**. That is definitely depraved and contrary to the accepted rules of morality. They do say that factors such as the age of the offender may affect whether it is considered a crime so in my defense I can say that I was only 13 at the time.
Am I seeking to engage in immoral activities? Does ordering porn on the hotel TV count because I never do that.
I do swear - I swear a lot. Some people consider that immoral. I'm not seeking to engage in any sweary activity but if the oppurtunity to swear arises I will not shrink away from it. If I'm not actively seeking to engage in immoral activities but the opportunity for immorality arises is that OK or is it a violation of my visa? Say a stripper in Vegas propositions me..... hmmm am I even allowed to go to Las Vegas? Many people consider gambling to be immoral and I've just said that I'm not seeking to engage in immoral activities.
OK a stripper propositions me in...... maybe not a stripper because visiting a strip joint is immoral..... OK, an off duty stripper who I meet whilst photographing some morally upright tourist site.
You know what. I've forgotten where I was going with this.
If I have to fill out that visa I'm just going to tick the box marked 'NO' because I doubt that the good people at U.S Customs and Border Protection want to discuss comparative morality they just want to know that I'm not going to blow them up.
I won't. I promise. Not on purpose anyway.

**Can I just say that I love the phrase moral turpitude. It's almost as marvelous as slatternly wench.
*I have committed other crimes against fashion but that's the only one I'm admitting to today.
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